QWO™ Cellulite Treatment in Chicago
Collagenase clostridium histolyticum- aaes

Before QWO™

Before QWO™ Markings

After 3 QWO™ treatments
Case 1, 44 year old female: cellulite dimple reduction with 3 treatments of QWO, excellent resolution of buttocks dimples.
* Individual results may vary.
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Dr. Casas, a female board-certified plastic surgeon and her staff are excited to offer the very first FDA approved injectable for cellulite reduction! Cellulite is extremely common, 90% of us have it, and the best way to reduce and often eliminate those unwanted dimples is to get to the source. Cellulite causes a lumpy appearance on the skin that no one wants, and everyone wants to get rid of that dimpled uneven skin! QWO™ is the only noninvasive treatment that takes as little as 10 minutes per visit with virtually no downtime. Cellulite dimple reduction or elimination can be seen in just as little as 10 weeks. After a thorough consultation, Dr. Casas will determine if you are a candidate. Ready to say goodbye to lumpy buttock or thigh skin from cellulite dimples? Call 847-657-6884 to schedule your QWO™ consultation today!
What is QWO™?
QWO™ is a prescription medication that is used in an injection to treat mild to moderate lumpy dimpled buttock or thigh skin from cellulite in women. The QWO™ enzymes, once injected by Dr. Laurie A. Casas, breaks down our collagen creating the dimple. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, the enzymes work in following three ways. Fibrous cords that cause the dimpled appearance are released, fat cells are rearranged, and new collagen is formed.
What is Cellulite and who gets Cellulite?
What are the causes of Cellulite?
Am I a Candidate?
Our skin thins as we age, which results in more fat cells accumulating in the space right under the skin of our legs and thighs, creating a dimpled, lumpy appearance. Fat cells are pushed against the thinning skin and the fibrous band between fat cells thicken, which leads to the lumpy, “cottage cheese” appearance we all hate!
Cellulite is a very common condition. In fact, 9/10 women have cellulite. That is the bad news, but the good news is that it is treatable! Although those pesky dimples do not need to be treated and are not harmful, many women are often bothered by them. We are finding that three injection sessions with QWO™ is needed to improve the lumpy skin and cellulite dimples. We do not use QWO™ if you have an active infection in the treatment area and if you have any allergy to the ingredients.
Clinical Results
QWO™ was studied in 843 women and is the largest clinical trial involving cellulite. The FDA reviewed a two phase, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to determine cellulite reduction. Patients were between 18-78 years with a BMI ranging from 18.5 to 32.0 kg/m². Patients had three injection sessions 21 days apart. Both a clinician and the patient assessed the treatment areas 28 days after the last treatment. The patients treated with QWO™ had a significant reduction in their cellulite dimples versus the placebo. The treatment concluded a statistically significant improvement in cellulite severity. The most common adverse reactions were injection site related: bruising, pain, and nodule. These were temporary, generally resolving before the next treatment.
What to Expect
A small needle is used to inject QWO™ to each cellulite dimple, with a total of up to 12 injections in a single buttock or thigh. The exact number of injections depends on the amount of cellulite that is being treated. A total of 3 treatments are spaced 21 days apart and the total procedure time is less than 10 minutes. Our patients are only seeing significant bruising after their first treatment. Other infrequent side effects include pain, redness, itching, and swelling in the area injected. Results may be seen in as little as 10 weeks. The most common side effect is bruising that mimics the color of an eggplant. Bruising resolves within 2 weeks and is typically only significant after the first treatment session and is less noticeable after the second and third treatments.
QWO™ Testimonial
“I love QWO™! My cellulite dimples are gone, and the three procedures were very fast!”
I have always been self-conscious about my cellulite and have been wanting a treatment that is non-invasive. I am 5’7 and weigh 137 pounds. I exercise regularly and for the most part, eat healthy. I have tried changing my habits, various creams, and working out in hopes that they would disappear. Unfortunately, nothing worked. As soon as I heard about QWO™, I was so excited! I met with Dr. Casas and we both agreed QWO™ was my best option. An injection was placed in each cellulite dimple. It was painless and only took 5 minutes! I had 3 treatments total, spaced 21 days apart and am amazed that my dimples are gone! This will be my first summer wearing my bikini with confidence!”.* Individual results may vary
Hexsel DM, et al. Side-by-side comparison of areas with and without cellulite depressions using magnetic resonance imaging. Dermatol Surg. 2009;35(10):1471-7.
Qwo™ (collagenase clostridium histolyticum-aaes) for injection [package insert]. Malvern, PA: Endo Aesthetics LLC; 2020.