Featured Case of the Month
AVELI Cellulite Treatment
New Cellulite Treatment to Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite on the Thigh and Buttock
Dr. Laurie A Casas has extensive experience treating the body’s skin and soft tissues, including the treatment of cellulite on the butt and thighs.
As a thought leader in Aesthetic Surgery, she has been at the forefront of bringing new, safe and reliable technologies to patients. As a female plastic surgeon, she knows that at least 90 percent of women complain about cellulite. Dr. Casas is excited to be one of the few Plastic Surgeons to bring a technology called Aveli to patients. Aveli, a handheld device, allows her to identify all the septa that create a cellulite depression, dimple, or linear indent on your thigh or buttock. Under local anesthesia, Dr. Casas will identify the many Septa in the cellulite on your buttock or thigh, and she will methodically release each septa, and then verify that the area is completely treated
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Case Study
The patient is a 29 -year-old with cellulite dimples and depression on her lateral and posterior thighs. After Dr. Laurie Casas carefully examined the patient to ensure the thigh areas did not have skin laxity or localized fatty deposits that cannot be treated with Aveli, the patient agreed to have Aveli on her thighs to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Pre Aveli before photo – Right Thigh

Post Aveli after photo – Right Thigh

Pre Aveli before photo – Left Lateral Thigh

Post Aveli after photo – Left Lateral Thigh

Pre Aveli before photo – Right Lateral Thigh

Post Aveli after photo – Right Lateral Thigh

Pre Aveli before photo – Left Thigh

Post Aveli after photo – Left Thigh