Are you noticing changes in your neck as you age? The loss of elasticity and the accumulation of fat in the lower chin area can lead to a double chin, causing people to be self-conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, submental or chin liposuction in Chicago offers a minimally invasive solution to remove excess fat, creating a slimmer, more youthful contour to the neck.

How Much is Chin Lipo in Chicago?

The cost of chin liposuction in Chicago can range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on several factors. These factors include the surgeon’s expertise and experience, the geographic location, and whether any additional procedures are needed.

What is Included in the Cost?

The price of the chin liposuction procedure will cover the procedure itself as well as all related fees. This means you’ll pay one price that encompasses the surgeon’s fee, follow-up appointments, and any necessary post-surgery garments. The fee will also include the cost of support staff to ensure you receive all the necessary support for a successful post-operative recovery.

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* Individual results may vary.

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Factors that Influence the Cost of the Procedure

Various factors play a role in determining how much chin lipo in Chicago ultimately costs. The following considerations play an important role in influencing the final cost of the procedure.

Surgeon Experience and Expertise 

Board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive training and experience, leading to fewer complications and better results. While they may charge higher prices, having the surgery done right the first time can save time and money in the long run, as revision surgeries are more expensive and complex.

Surgical Location

Chin liposuction is generally performed under local anesthesia to provide patient comfort throughout the procedure. This approach facilitates a smoother recovery process and reduces procedural expenses in comparison to procedures requiring general anesthesia. However, the inclusion of supplementary procedures may require the use of general anesthesia.

Geographic Location 

In larger cities like Chicago, the higher cost of living leads to higher costs for procedures. Additionally, the higher demand for cosmetic procedures in larger cities also contributes to the increased cost of surgery.

Is Chin Liposuction Covered by Insurance?

Chin liposuction is considered an elective and non-medically necessary cosmetic procedure by insurance companies. Therefore, health insurance plans do not cover it. During the initial consultation, Dr. Casas will take the time to ensure that you are fully informed about the expected costs, helping you make a well-informed decision.

Are Financing Options Available?

Yes, Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is dedicated to offering surgical procedures that improve your confidence and satisfaction with your appearance. We provide various financial options to enable patients to attain the more youthful appearance they desire. All options will be discussed with you during the initial consultation allowing you to choose the best option for your situation.

Benefits of Chin Liposuction

The benefits of submental (chin) liposuction go far beyond the simple removal of excess fat. These benefits can include:

  • Improved facial definition. Liposuction can provide a slimmer, more youthful appearance to the neck and improve facial harmony. 
  • Minimally invasive surgery. The use of three small incisions and minimally invasive techniques cause less soft tissue trauma reducing scarring.
  • Boost in self-confidence. Improved aesthetic appearances can significantly increase one’s confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Improved facial profile. Liposuction removes excess fat to produce a slimmer neck improving one’s facial profile and overall appearance. 
  • Short recovery. This minimally invasive procedure reduces the recovery time getting you back to work and your life quickly.
  • Customizable procedure. Chin liposuction can be added to many different surgical procedures to maximize the rejuvenation of the procedure. 


Am I a Good Candidate for Neck Liposuction?

The ideal candidates for chin liposuction are individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their necks due to excess fat and fullness. Candidates should be in good overall physical and mental health and not be taking any blood-thinning medications to minimize the risk of complications. The best results are observed in candidates who have realistic expectations for the procedure.

Outstanding results can be attained in a diverse range of individuals across different age groups. Skin elasticity plays a crucial role in achieving these results, and during the initial consultation, Dr. Casas will assess and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. 

Schedule a Consultation at Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 

Are you frustrated with a double chin or unhappy with your chin and jawline’s appearance? Chin liposuction can reverse these signs of aging taking years off your appearance. Experience amazing results at Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Schedule your consultation today for extraordinary care and personalized results.

To schedule a consultation today, call our office at 847-657-6884.